Business Value in Hotels, Clubs & Restaurants (the ‘On-Trade’)
- Reduce time and labour costs with automated inventory
- without the need to disturb ‘fine wines’
- deliver savings on inventory processing, re-ordering, spot checks, recording transfers & damages
- Provide for instant and accurate stock checks – even daily
- enabling reduction in overall stock levels, without loss of sales
- Monitor patterns of stock loss – deterring shrinkage
- Track patterns of use to see what beverage items are selling, or not in specific locations
- Deliver an up to 4% increase in gross margin with <12 month payback
In most hotels, restaurants and clubs, wines and spirits inventories are usually comprised of bottles of many different types, with those bottles needing to be read when upright or on their side, and in cartons or wooden boxes, often without disturbing them,
– but this process is labour intensive, slow and inaccurate – which means that it doesn’t get done regularly – if at all.
CapTag® labels & NeckTags have been developed for instantly counting and individually verifying ‘en-mass’ that:
- the correct number of genuine bottles have been received from a supplier – especially when in sealed cartons without those cartons having to be opened for checking.
- what should be in stock, is in stock, found by simply walking round and remotely scanning the cellars and shelves (even in fridges) with a handheld reader – and unlike bar-code readers no line of sight is needed – so you don’t have to visually see the bottle to know that it is there.
……. misplaced bottles can even be found without disturbing any stock
……. rapid regular, even daily or shift based, stock checks can be easily done